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Virtual Book Club

Thank you so much for your interest in joining my first ever virtual book club! This is going to be somewhat of an experiment, but I am hoping that we will be able to build this club together and create a sense of community by sharing the common experience of reading these books together for the first time.


Keep an eye on this page for updates as more details are solidified, but my goal is to have our first meeting by mid-May, so be sure to fill out the form below and get your book before then! As always, reach out if you have any questions and I would be more than happy to help in any way that I can. 

What Are We Reading?


The first book our virtual book club will be reading is Shadow and Brimstone by Magaidh Dunbroch. 


This book is a dark fantasy re-telling of the story of Hades and Persephone, so if you have an interest in mythology, this would be a good fit for you! 


You can purchase a copy of the book on the author's Etsy page and use the code ASHLEYMDR for 10% off of your purchase. 

I'm Interesting in Joining the Book Club!

Since this is my first time hosting a virtual book club, I want to tailor it as best I can to those interested in participating! Please let me know that you are interested by filling out the Google Form and answer the questions so I can take people's time/day preferences and such into consideration. I'm all about building community and want to make sure I try and be as accommodating as possible so we can get as many people involved as possible. Think one of your friends might be interested? Share the information with them! The nice thing about it being online, is that we can meet with people from all over and with as many people as we want, so the more the merrier. 

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